If you want increased profits from your email marketing... you want
Dealers just like you have ongoing email marketing. eFlash™ is different. eFlash™ drives instant response in the form of emails, web hits, showroom traffic and phone calls direct to management that result in new and used vehicle sales and the acquisition of front line ready trades!
Listen to what some of our clients have to say!

Case Study 1

Chevrolet Dealer
#Email Response to eFlash 472
Website Response 240
#Sold 20
Gross $73,325.00
R.O.I. 3,688%

Case Study 2

Acura Dealer
#Email Response to eFlash 147
Website Response 81
Gross $31,069.02

Case Study 3

Honda Dealer
#Email Response to eFlash 102
Website Response 29
#Sold 39
Gross $47,026.25
R.O.I. 2,352%
Don't just PUSH information through email. Have a conversation!
Have your eFlash™ in 4 hours from when you call in!!
Call 800-621-2225 Today and ask to speak with an eFlash™ specialist!

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